Homeschool MAMA Ashley Davis!

The Homeschooling Choice

Physician’s Assistant & Homeschool Mama Ashley Davis!

If you are in the Homeschool scramble?  Please let me hold your hand for a moment and introduce myself.  My name is Ashley Davis and I am a Homeschool Mom of four!  Ages 9, 7, and almost-two-year-old twins! 


Honestly, I can’t believe we have become that “weird, homeschool family!”  My journey from being a Physician’s Assistant at a Hospital in NY.  A position that required years of study to achieve.  To where I am today.  Full-time homeschool mom with the responsibility of not only caring for but, educating my children. Taking a career break to start this learning journey with the support of my husband has been one we have embraced together as a Family Unit!  If you saw a picture of us together?  You would never think that I have been homeschooling for three years with no plans to send my kids back into the factory style of learning they began with! 


For example.  At the beginning of my journey?  Making a point my children were getting the basic core of what would be expected they learn if enrolled in a traditional public school was the focus.  So that they would not fall behind other kids their age.  But over time, and as I became more proficient at managing our learning sessions?  I realized the need to integrate and even make their interests the main focus of our daily curriculum!  Recognizing the benefit of being their teacher allowed me to cultivate their natural curiosity into a more focused learning environment they would more likely thrive and flourish in!  These are the experiences that many homeschool Mamas share.


I have found that I love coming alongside new as well as experienced homeschool Moms to help them on their journeys.  And in the process of helping?  Have learned and gained access to a ton of resources for learning, education, and homeschooling!  These materials I share with Free regular Zoom meetings for new homeschoolers.  And by routinely uploading episodes and interviews with experts in the field to my homeschool podcast.  The Homeschool Conversation Podcast. 


There are so many issues today with COVID and so many more questions coming from Families considering homeschool options.  And there is Power in Community!  For example, some wonder about socialization and bonding with peers from a homeschool environment which I can tell you is surprisingly robust through the various networks Homeschool families encounter.  But, in these scary times finding the strength in our community is more important than just wearing a brave face!  Find the support and help where you need it so we can grow together! 


Ashley Davis is a Physician’s Assistant on hiatus and the driving force behind THE HOMESCHOOL CONVERSATION PODCAST.  A resource for other Moms in the Homeschooling community and a great reference for those considering taking on the homeschool challenge!